Words I Never eXpressed (WINX) #2.1: Nabu is Dead, Not in a Coma.“Digimon Ghost Game”: Quick Thoughts *UPDATE 2*.Winx Club: 6 Reasons Nabu Was a Gary Stu - #3: Getting Away With a Crime.“Tropical-Rouge! Precure”: Why Cure La Mer is More Powerful Than The Other Cures.

Last week, I finished the cyberpunk anime Serial Experiments Lain.

It’s affected my relationships, my work, my sleep, and even my eating habits. I don’t enjoy things as much as I used to. I’ve become more aggressive, more anxious, and less motivated. The loneliness I’ve felt because of my unpopular opinions made things even worse. In some cases, they didn’t care about my side of the story. Either I didn’t say what the “gremlins” wanted me to say, or they just didn’t believe me. No matter what I said to explain myself, it didn’t help. I’m not sure about smear campaign videos, but I have seen posts. People twisted my words, publicly insulted me, talked down to me, and sent me long messages to scold me like a child. Granted, I didn’t go through everything this YouTuber has (daily harassment, police sent to my house, etc.), but some of it lines up perfectly with my experiences as a Winx blogger.